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Introduction and Installation

Introduction and Installation

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About The Video

Unlock the fundamentals of WebdriverIO in this Part 1 of the WebdriverIO tutorial series by Wasiq Bhamla (@WasiqBhamla), Test Automation Specialist | Open Source Advocate. He talks about WebdriverIO, an open-source test automation framework, its workings, and how to install it. By the end of this tutorial, you'll master how to set up WebdriverIO along with a detailed understanding of WebdriverIO architecture.

Video Chapters


What is WebdriverIO

Machine setup for WebdriverIO

Creating WedriverIO project

Configure the WedriverIO project

WedriverIO project structure


Key Topics Covered

Introduction to WebdriverIO: An overview of what WebdriverIO is, its features, and why it is a powerful tool for test automation. It is highlighted as an open-source test automation framework that supports both WebDriver and DevTools protocols.

Getting Started and Installation: Guidance on how to set up your environment for WebdriverIO, including installing Node Version Manager (NVM), Node.js, and Visual Studio Code.

Creating a WebdriverIO Project: Step-by-step instructions on initializing a WebdriverIO project, configuring the project for web automation, and organizing the project structure for maintainability.

Machine Setup for WebdriverIO: Detailed setup instructions, starting from installing NVM, Node.js, and Visual Studio Code, to setting up a basic WebdriverIO project and configuring it for web automation.

WebdriverIO Capabilities: Discussion on the capabilities of WebdriverIO, including its compatibility with different protocols, support for automating web and mobile applications, and its extensible nature that allows for the addition of helper methods and plugins.

Project Configuration and Execution: Demonstrates configuring a WebdriverIO project, including setting up test scripts, page objects, and the project's folder structure. Also covers executing a basic test to verify the setup.

Advanced Topics: Brief mentions of handling selectors, elements, wait timeouts, organizing tests, using test runners, handling alerts, frames, and windows, assertions, different reporting methods, the Page Object Model, parallel and cross-browser test execution, and running tests on cloud platforms or in continuous integration environments.

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Wasiq Bhamla

Wasiq Bhamla

Wasiq Bamla is a Test Automation specialist renowned in the field. He possesses extensive proficiency in utilizing a variety of automation testing tools, including Selenium WebDriver, Appium, Rest-Assured, WebDriverIO, TestNG, Maven, Git, CircleCI, and more. Wasiq is experienced in the development and maintenance of adaptable test automation frameworks tailored for desktop, web applications, API, and mobile testing. These frameworks are seamlessly integrated into continuous integration environments, reflecting Wasiq's commitment to efficiency and excellence.

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